Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Friends, today our hearts are drawn to the magnificent feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. In this celebration, we contemplate the profound belief that at the culmination of her earthly existence, Mary was lovingly raised up, body and soul, into the splendor of heaven.
This conviction in the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, this awe-inspiring truth that she transcended the boundaries of mortality, was formally established as a dogma by Pope Pius XII in the year 1950.
But what exactly does this term “dogma” signify? In the framework of our Catholic Church, a dogma is defined as “a truth divinely revealed, solemnly proclaimed by the Church’s authoritative teaching body, and binding upon all believers.” This authoritative teaching body, known as the magisterium, is composed of the esteemed leaders of our Church.
As faithful members of the Church, each one of us is called to embrace with unwavering faith all that the Church presents to us—be it through solemn decrees or general teachings—rooted in our unshakable devotion to divine and Catholic beliefs. However, let us bear in mind that not every teaching within the Church is deemed a dogma. Our obligation to acknowledge teachings as dogma arises only when the Church explicitly designates them as infallible and binding.
Consequently, the conviction in the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, her ascent into heaven both in body and soul, stands as an indisputable and infallible dogma.

The Significance of this Sacred occasion.

Beloved friends, it is essential to recognize that when we depart from this earthly realm, our bodies are interred and eventually return to dust. Yet, our bodies shall be resurrected at the appointed time to reunite with our souls. However, in a miraculous deviation from this norm, the body of Mary, Mother of Christ, was spared the clutches of decay. Instead, her divine Son, Jesus, raised her from the grasp of death, restoring her body and soul to life.
Let us pause to reflect upon the profound bond between Mary and Jesus—a bond that serves as an exemplary model for each of us. Mary’s preparation for her divine role as the Mother of God was marked by her liberation from the taint of original sin at her conception. She bore an unwavering commitment to love God and His people. In her steadfast fidelity, she earned a unique share in the resurrection of Jesus. As her earthly journey concluded, she was lovingly assumed, body and soul, into the heavenly realms.
Mary’s prayerful contemplation and her willingness to meditate on the divine mysteries illuminate our path in living a life steeped in Christian values. Through her reflections on Scripture and the narratives of God’s mighty works among His people, Mary grasped the depth of the Father’s love for His creation. She recognized God’s predilection for the vulnerable and the marginalized, often bypassing the powerful to carry out His divine plans. In the midst of this, as Mary ardently sought to understand God’s ways, He was quietly shaping her heart, preparing her for the day when the archangel Gabriel would herald her integral role in His grand design.
Endowed with unwavering trust, Mary entrusted her entire future to God’s providence. Every circumstance became an opportunity for her to deepen her faith and cultivate her love for God. Even when Joseph contemplated the dissolution of their union, Mary remained resolute in her belief that God would bring His work to fruition. Her faith was further enriched during her visit to Elizabeth, as she bore witness to her cousin’s heartfelt praise for God. Even in the face of her own soul-piercing grief at the cross, Mary’s ultimate act of surrender unfolded as she placed her Son into God’s hands.
Beyond the confines of earthly life, Mary endures as an unparalleled exemplar of the Christian journey. Just as she shared in Jesus’ confrontation with evil, she also partook in His victory over death. She stands as the first among Christians to experience what awaits us all: the transformative experience of standing as renewed creations before the majestic throne of God, fully immersed in His divine presence.
Mary’s exalted place in heaven serves as a beacon of hope to each one of us who eagerly anticipate our own part in the Resurrection upon Jesus’ return. We, too, shall reign alongside Christ. We shall gaze upon the breathtaking beauty of God’s countenance, surrounded by the celestial host in their glorious splendor. We shall radiate even brighter than the angels, all due to our intimate union with Christ. This is the crux of our hope. This is our inheritance through Christ. This is the glorious future that beckons us all.
Beloved friends, let our aspirations mirror the heights attained by Mary. Cleansed in the purifying waters of baptism, let us firmly reject the influence of evil and fully embrace Jesus. As we are enveloped by the same Spirit that shrouded Mary, let us seize the power of the Spirit, living steadfastly in faith today. Drawing strength from Mary’s Assumption, let us steadfastly fix our gaze on the love and service of Jesus, eagerly anticipating His triumphant return. Just as Mary did, let us magnify the Lord and wholeheartedly embrace every task that He places before us.
May the grace of this feast invigorate us to emulate Mary’s unwavering faith, her resolute trust in God’s plan, and her selfless surrender to His will. Let us stand firm in our commitment to embrace the teachings of our Church and strive to live lives that resonate with the love and devotion of our Blessed Mother.
May God bless us all abundantly as we journey onward in faith.
Happy Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
⁃Fr. James Anyaegbu

One Comment

  1. Nadia August 16, 2023 at 2:36 am - Reply

    May the Lord help us in this journey of life, to live in his ways and follow the example of our mother Mary

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